Our Services

Electrical Engineering + Process Engineering + Application Development = Your Tailor-Made Solution

Process engineering construction is in the area of balance between time and cost pressure, innovation and standardization.

Machines should be built in a cost-effective manner, taking into account new legal requirements and framework conditions and meet the highest technical standards. AI, new technologies and production processes, as well as enormous amounts of data, or in other words, Industry 4.0., Internet of Things (IoT) and big data are current challenges that can also be found in machine engineering.

And so, the configuration, construction and commissioning of process engineering systems are usually very complex projects that require specialised knowledge.

Machine planning is our core competency

One of our core competencies is the development of test benches. For each project, we develop solutions individually according to the requirements of our customers. These can be research equipment in the field of process engineering, or mechanical devices with which the properties of technical objects are monitored. We can look back on many successful developments, particularly in the field of chemical process engineering.

Scientific Advice

Our experienced team has extensive expertise in the planning, application and implementation of projects, as well as in the necessary framework conditions for successful scientific results. We offer you support in all phases of your scientific work: from the selection of the topic and the definition of the research subject to the actual implementation. We help you to structure your project, to set up a time schedule and to carry it out. We also support you in your research, in the analysis of your data and in the presentation of your results.

LabVIEW training

We offer personalized LabVIEW training courses at your facility for your team. The content and scope of the training can be tailored according to your goals. We offer the possibility to adapt a LabVIEW project that we have previously created, or to learn how to create a program from scratch.

When developing our test benches, three aspects are particularly important:


By adopting a modular approach and the use of selected measurement technology, we enable you to adapt your test bench to suit your changing framework conditions, without time-consuming and costly re-planning.


For us, intuitive and therefore simple operability is a fundamental design criterion when developing our test and test benches. This reduces the training time of your employees while ensuring that the test bench is used effectively and efficiently. The control software for our systems is developed in the LabVIEW programming environment. 


Our software has been developed using LabVIEW and includes a database of the most common devices, sensors, and actuators. The user can easily select the desired components from a drop-down list in the user-friendly Graphical User Interface without requiring any programming knowledge. The LabVIEW program structure has been designed to facilitate future software adaptations.

6 good reasons to work with us


You work together with a specialised team of LabVIEW developers certified by National Instruments.


The tailor-made planning and configuration of test facilities enables you to achieve an optimal cost-benefit ratio while reducing the risk of cost-intensive errors.


You benefit from our cross-industry project experience.

Joy of Innovation

We love to develop individual test solutions and new products and also to optimise existing products and solutions.

Personal Support and Advice

We strive for long-term and sustainable partnerships with our customers and ensure project success by working closely with you.


Through our strong partnerships with companies and organisations in the industrial, university and research environments, we build a bridge between industry and research.